Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sept. 6 and 7 - Last day in Tetons and trip to Rawlins, WY

on the way to Rawlins on Hwy. 191
We are not in the Tetons any more!

When we were getting close to Jackson, we saw three hot air balloons. This was one of them.

Phil, Mike, me, and Helen around the campfire last night.

Sept. 6 and 7 - Last full day in the Tetons, and it was a wonderful one! I fixed some sandwiches and packed a couple of soft drinks in the cooler. Wilson Rd. near the Moose Visitors’ Center was one place we had not traveled. We rode that to the Teton Village, mainly a ski resort with lots of shops and restaurants. It is a cool place. We ate lunch on the way at a Moose Habitat pull-off. We did not see a moose, but we enjoyed lunch in that setting. On the way back I got some photos of an osprey next with two ospreys on it. Then we went back to where we have seen moose twice. A lady told me there were two bulls and a cow further down. I was excited! There was already a huge crowd. I came to the first bull, and he was lying down. The bushes and shrubs hid him well. One person at a time could go down the embankment a little ways to get a photo. The crowd kept getting larger and larger, so I decided to walk along the embankment to see if I could see the other bull and cow. Well, I got started and a volunteer who manages crowds called me back. He told me he could only supervise one crowd, so I’d have to stay with the big group. Thank goodness, there was no volunteer the last two times we saw moose there. Oh well, at least I already have some decent photos of the other moose. That evening, Helen, Mike, Phil, and I went to Leeks Marina to get pizza. It was their last night open for the season. We ate salad and pizza, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Then we went back and built a big campfire. The campers next to us left a huge pile of wood, so we got some, and Mike and Helen got a good bit. They are going to be there two more nights, so they will really enjoy it. Finding free firewood is a thrill. We used to send the kids around in the morning to get any left by people leaving. It brings back good memories! After Mike and Helen went back to their camper for the night, it was about quiet hours. We got the camper as ready as we could for a fast get-away in the morning. It was freezing when we got up at 7:00, and we could not use the heater since we were popping down. We hurried and got out of there in about 30 minutes. The car said it was 26 degrees. I believe it or lower! We headed for Rawlins, WY. We traveled Hwy. 191 to Rock Springs. There was a stretch of about five miles of construction and dirt road. A truck threw a rock and hit the windshield. It felt like a missle hit it! We will have to have that replaced when we get back. Then poor Phil started having pain in his back, but it was not his back. It is another kidney stone. Thankfully, I have some Tramadol that I take for made headaches. He took a couple and the pain eased up. I hope it will not cause him problems tomorrow! His history with those things are that they move around and eventually he has to have lithotripsy a couple of times before it breaks up. We both hope he does not have to go through that again. We are praying! Tomorrow we will head toward North Platte, NE.

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